There are two prerequisites for nasal surgery: for medical reasons or for aesthetic reasons.
This type of rhinoplasty as a correction of the size and shape of the nostrils is performed only for aesthetic reasons.
Continuing the surface of the nose to the right, from below, the wing limits the outer opening of the nostril.
Correcting only the shape of the nostrils can sometimes improve the overall appearance of the nose perfectly.
Reasons to correct the shape and size of the nostrils
The instructions for surgery are:
- nasal wings too long;
- wide wings;
- nostrils of various sizes;
- narrow nasal wings;
- thick nostrils;
- large wings of nose;
- sunken nasal wings.
Performing surgery for nasal wing plastic surgery
The method of performing the operation to correct the nasal wings depends on the individual characteristics of the person. The surgeon will choose the option that works best for you.
- Nasal wing reduction - plastic surgeons make small incisions in the sides, remove excess tissue and sew the edges. The scars are invisible and quickly disappear.
- Narrowing of the nostrils - the area of the columella (between the nostrils) is sewn, thus narrowing the width of the nasal wings.
- Nostril removal - for this operation, it is necessary to remove tissue from the nasal septum or from the auricle.
Basically, nasal wing plastic surgery is performed in conjunction with general rhinoplasty. At the initial consultation, the plastic surgeon will evaluate the proposed intervention in terms of scope.
Contraindications to surgery

Patients must be 18 years of age or older.
For various diseases:
- diseases of internal organs;
- viral infections;
- diabetes;
- oncological diseases;
- blood clotting problems (and other blood diseases).
Also, plastic surgery of the nasal wings is contraindicated in patients with mental illness, somatic illness at the stage of decompensation or exacerbation.
Recovery after plastic surgery on the nostrils
At the end of the operation, the doctor inserts a tampon into the nose and applies an installation plaster bandage. After that, the patient may go home, but if desired and the doctor’s recommendation remains in the hospital. A week later, the cosmetic stitches were removed, followed by expert consultation.
Scars from surgery disappear after 1-2 months. It is best for patients not to stay long in the sun, avoid physical activity and refrain from the sauna (bath) for a month.
Nasal wing correction without surgery
In some clinics, if there are minor deficiencies, correction can be made without surgical manipulation. Changes in the shape and size of the nostrils occur with the use of fillers. The composition of the filler is not at all harmful to the human body. The advantage of this method is immediate results and no recovery period. In addition, after the procedure, there were no scars or scars with fillers.
The advantages of non -surgical nostril correction are the absence of a recovery period and the absence of a recovery period. In addition, after the procedure, there were no scars or scars with fillers.
Nasal reconstruction without surgery was performed under local anesthesia.
For most people, the imperfections associated with the shape and size of the nasal wings do not interfere with life, but some do their best to correct natural faults. In the modern world, people, striving to make their appearance closer to perfection, will always encounter some shortcomings. Therefore, there is plastic surgery. Rhinoplasty will help repair various defects on the wings of the nose and the nose in general.